We Support Ukraine & Stand For Peace!

Giftsenda is a US-based company created in 2020 to help businesses to build relationships with clients and employees all over the world through corporate gifts.
To be perfectly clear: We embrace peace, and we openly condemn the Russian military action in Ukraine.
Our brand helps people and businesses connect with each other. We do not speak for governments, and we would never support any acts of violence.
Our amazing and talented team is based in countries all over the world, including Ukraine and Russia. So to each and every one of you who has offered the help you can, a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU!
In partnership with our sister company (Gift Baskets Overseas), we have been able to:
- Donate more than $10 000 to local vendors and volunteers to help deliver food and medicine to the worst hit areas of Ukraine (with a focus on regions on the western border).
- Donated $800 to the Synagogue in Ivano-Frankivsk city in Ukraine to help organize hot meals for internally displaced people.
- $500 was sent to Dnipro to help launch and organize a street kitchen for refugees.
- $500 was sent to contribute to humanitarian aid to Kherson.
- $300 was sent to contribute to humanitarian aid to Nikopol.
- $200 was sent to contribute to humanitarian aid to Zaporizhzhia.
- We also help transition refugees to safety where possible.
How can you show support?
- If you would like to help people in need get vital supplies (food, clothes, medicine), you can donate through us using the following PayPal Link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/giftbasketsoverseas. Please make sure that you put in the note “Donation for Ukraine.” We will ensure this money reaches the hands of groups and volunteers who distribute care packages.
- Kyiv School of Economics — started on March 4th, 2022, to assist vulnerable people in Ukraine and help ensure safety. This was the first charity we donated to.
- We can also vouch for the Facebook group named «Благодійна допомога продуктами: інвалідам, одиноким матерям та пенсіонерам», created and led by one of our local partners. Please reach out to them if you have family in Ukraine in need of food or medical supplies. Should you have the time, the group administration will also appreciate any help you can offer.
- Nova Ukraine
- Razom
- United24
- The $1K Project for Ukraine
- MARTIN-club helps children and teenagers
- Evacuation of the elderly
- Mrs. Patronesa — an initiative of active women’s organizations providing assistance for women who have suffered from violence.